
Bulelani Zantsi portrait with his clan names by Inkokhelo
Bulelani Zantsi praises Madiba
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Inkokhelo... 'guidance' is the name that we have chosen for this project about Clan names and our heritage. We chose the name because to us, that is what our Ancestors signify in our daily existence, however we are very much aware that there are various perceptions and understandings of one's ancestors. We have chosen photography combined with written text of 'Iziduko' to be our method of expressing our celebration of the ancestors as well as a method of lifting up the spirits of those who are following the footsteps of their fore fathers.
We do not claim to be authorities on any deep knowledge of this particular subject, nor do we want to come across as such, our interest is to invoke the great spirits that lead and guide us and to create an inspiration for all who come into contact with this. We hope to rekindle the fire in our souls that exists within us as a result of our connectedness to others. We have heard the saying 'Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu', and in this spirit, we hope to remind the people that one is never alone, there are connections. We hope that this will also serve as a reminder of where we come from, who came before us and continue to live a legacy for our children and our children's children.
Inkokhelo, is but a vehicle amongst many, that aims to celebrate the spirit of our fore mothers and fore fathers, may we be continuously under this guidance.
We hope to capture the interest of many and are very open to suggestions and advice on how we can add more value to this rather remarkable project we are embarking on. Welcome to the journey!
Portrait of you is about you, but who are you? The meaning of this question is not to be rude or argue whether you are worthy of portrait; you certainly are, but what is it that describes you? It is a question of identity and pride of yourself. That is the reason why we want to add a new aspect to more traditional way of having an image of yourself; Your clan name. Not everyone has a clan name, but the design around and within your portrait can be anything from your favorite quote, mantra or just your philosophy. What makes you say, “Yes, that's me!”
What is that for you? Let us know and we can make your most personal photograph, printed on canvas poster size.
For more information, quotes and ideas, please email us at info@voxpopafrica.com
Here are a few links to the other websites for more information
Tswana and Sotho Diboko (on Wikipedia)
If you have or know more websites with appropriate information, please send them to us info@voxpopafrica.com
ndicela isiduko samatipa,oobhayeni,oomanzi,oomanzimande
ReplyDeleteHi, AmaBhele ooLanga bahlobene nooSompisi, ooNtuli, ooNdlela?
ReplyDeleteEwe Yinto eenye
DeleteamaBhele nga amaHlubi uBhele okanye Mbhele, Maseko, Ntuli Xa bazithutha ngo Khuboni.. Mpempe(elinye igama lamaHlubi)Golide Madiba-ndlela Sompisi.. umohluko ooBHELE base EC Bathi Qunta abase Natal kunye nase mpumalanga bathi Golide kodwa ngo Khuboni ni nga amaHlubi
ReplyDeleteZininzi izindlu zamaBhele. Man ndileli lakwaSonani, ntshiza, bhovula zime nkqo .
DeleteMabhele are all over thina base Lesotho FreeState sibaningi kakhulu kuyindlu yakaDlambula kaKhuboni sibaningi, mawufuna kuyazi ngaMabhele hoza kumihlangano.
DeleteLanga khuboni mafu qunta ndabezitha wakwa Ntandane ifani ndinawo umdla wokwazi mvelapi ka Ntandane kuze ayowa TSomo
DeletendinguMbhele, ukhuboni, unktangasi, usonani, udlamulo ophuma lee eDutjywa phesheya kwenciba, okaMiso okaMjele okaVelani. seza notatomkhulu ngo1910 apha eZimbabwe bethunjwe ngumlungu. ndiyabulela ngabahlobo bam endibafumana apha.
ReplyDeleteMphemba Ndlela ka Sompisi MafumgwaziGusha Sonane N
DeleteNdilibhele laselenge unontanda kuphakanyiswa usonanani ibhele lasecetywayo elingawudli umbilin wenyamazana kubu soyikisisu sixuxuzele ndilibhele elidla ligoduka kuba sesabukhanywa lithambo lasemzin
ReplyDeletendinguBhedla ungqabe umphulane, ingaba bona oobhedla nabo ngabathembu?
ReplyDeleteBhele Langa-lokulunga, Sonani, Ndabezitha, Nosepha, Ntuli, Mpemba, Dlambulo, Ntshantsha kaNtshangase,Mbutho, Madibandlela masibongele invelaphi kuleNkokhelo mntakaZantsi. Ndipha kuNdabakazi eCegcuana, eGcuwa - Sabelo kaDyasi
ReplyDeleteONtshantsha noNtsangase abaphume asihlobene nabo.
DeleteHonestly been searching on the net where the surname mdlambuzi comes from it now have a clue. Being the granddaughter of Mambhele but only a few remaining and don't know much.
ReplyDeleteNdicela ukwazi isilwanyana sasemabheleni.
ReplyDeleteNdinomdla ke nam kwimpendula zange ndasiva
DeleteYinyathi The baffalo ndaxelelwa lonto mna ngawam amaxehego
DeleteMolweni ndibawela ukwazi ngomnombo wamaBhele akwa sonani,oontshantsha ka ntshiza
ReplyDeleteOh andazi ndiqale na, thina kwethu singamaBhele kodwa asazi okokbana imvelaphi ikuphi neEastern Cape. Kungokhu, sithole ukuthi iziclan names ezinyenwamisa zazo zazingabizwa kakhle, ndiva ngoku sending apha okokba zibizwa njani. Sesithi kumele sisukume sifune hleze sifumane umndeni wethu khona apha. Nalapho, xa singawufumana, we'd be very happy. Ndiyabulela.
ReplyDeleteamaBhele are originally from KZN phantsi eLenge (Ladysith), 250yrs ago bemka bcz of the war and went to EC,WC Zimbabwe,Ndebele,Mozambique nakwezinye iindawo ke. maninzi amaBhele kakhulu but okusalayo ke iBhele liyi1 sibuya endaweni ey1 vo
DeleteI agree with u even me I have the same information,
DeleteSo when it comes to clans there's a confusion. Which clan is correct, is it Dlambula sonani... , or Godide Ndlela la sompisi.....??
DeleteAre we Xhosa or Zulu??
So mna I'm from cape town and ekhaya we say nyath mwelase nkomi inala dida ndlela dlambulo and then I dont know how it goes? So like I get lost cause I grew up thinking ndili Bhele and now this so how does it tie up and how do I properly praise myself, please help me cause I'm worried for my son i cant feed him the wrong information. One day he is going to be a man as well and needs to know who he is, thanks
DeleteNdingu Bhele, Langa, Khuboni, Qunta, Mafu, Mbutho, Dlambulo, Ndabezitha, Mbikazi, Nomana, Ntshangase,
ReplyDeleteYintoni edibanisa ooGudu noBhele. Kukho oGudu abathi ngoBhele logama abanye besithi abanatokwenza nabuBhele, uBhele sisduko nje abatya ngaso
ReplyDeleteU Gudu usho ukuthi Gudukazi oyincwayo. Leso sibongo esakwa Mbhele. Esakwa Ntuli. Mphemba. Godide. Esakwa Sompisi. Esakswa Ndlela. U Khuboni naye usenguNtuli. Isizukulwane sakwa Ntuli. Kanti uQunta naye unguMbhele/Ntuli. UQunta ubaba kaMasalela. UMasalela ubaba kaGuqa. UGuqa ubaba kaSompisi. USompisi yena ubaba kaNdlela. UNdlela uzala uGodide.
DeleteNdicela ukwazi okokuba uNgamlana uzalwa ngubani apha eMabheleni?
ReplyDeleteNdingu bhele u langa umafu uqunta unontanda kuphakanyiswa ndabezitha
ReplyDeleteisilwane sooBhele sesi kuthwa yinyathi but now in English andaz noba yi leopard na but kuthwa yinkom'enala
ReplyDeleteAwu!! Ndiyazidla ngobubhele bam
ReplyDeleteEmpeleni oMbhele bahlobeni bonke noma kungathiwa uMhlubi, uMxhosa, unguMzulu noma unguMswati. UShabangu uMbhele eMaswatini. ULanga noma UQunta uMbhele eMahlubini. UNtuli uMbhele eMazulwini. Laba esingahlobene nabo amaNdebele. UNtuli (pronounced as Ndruli) cha asihlobene nabo. Bona oMhlalukwane. Isibongo fabana kuphela.
ReplyDeleteMna ndinguBhele, Madiba-ndlela, Mwelase, Nkominala, Qunta, Ndabezitha, Nyathi eyoyis'amadoda athi xa eyizama abafazi bawa ngeznene! Inyathi = Buffalo (ngeslungu)
ReplyDeleteSibanye ntozakuthi, amaBhele ngamaBhele qha!!!
ReplyDeleteWho is the father of Ndabezitha?
ReplyDeleteIts good to read about who we are mabhele but can we take the debate further on how do we unify the amabhele
ReplyDeleteWhere ever they are,reaching beyond the tribal lines ngoba kucacile mabhele sibanye - Lizo Mboniswa
iyaxaka ke lendaba umbhele nomadiba mahlobene kusini Mna ndinguMADIBA UYEM YEM UVELA BEMBHENTSELA
ReplyDeleteYinton edibanisa oGudu no Bhele. Abanye uGudu akantokwenza nabu Bhele abanye bathi oGudu ngo Bhele
ReplyDeleteCan help to find where does this praise fall under which clans
ReplyDeleteBhele Waka dlambula Waka khuboni Waka mafu. Wena waselenge ,wena Waka ntobi phakamisumleze siboniphakathi, kunjani kobofu ,kumnyama mtakalanga, ilangaliphume lishone, liphendealishone, kodwa limshiya ngemahlaseli. Motho was ha dlangisa levmanyeba , wena wa dlambula washiyagcolo wasinekeumtwana, wena uvelese mabheleni
I'm sorry about spelling just that I'm trying to find my roots please help anyone who knows this praise
mbele mpemaba dlela ka sompisi guqa ka masilela
ReplyDeletethina siyi sizwe sase lenge emzimkhulu sino khuboni no mbhele singaba ntu banda wonye sonke singa ba bhele ase lenge laba abazi biza ngo kunye kodwa benga ma bhele isi thaka zelo zavela nga bantu besi bongo bazi biza ngazo kodwa banga ma bhele . ma ufika e ma xoseni ku khona o langa kodwa abanga ma bhele kodwa ka zulu olanga o zwide o ndwandwe nge sinye isi khathi isi thakazelo ziya fana kodwa ninga bezi bongo ezihlukene baba bhele adilika elenge wonke nama engaba se ba xoseni nama ka zulu noma eswazini lusoto awanda wonye mina ke ngi ngu mbele usompisi umpemba owa pemba ngama khanda ama doda ugodide ka guqa ka ma silela u sothole ukhokho wami uzala obaba u uboma no bonsti no cotshwa no swela no mbuzeni uzalemina uzulu mbhele unzalo yami yavela enkhomazi manje i se mzimkhulu
PLEASE lets find a book called "Ibali Lamamfengu : SEK Mqhayi" had an awesome interview with the then Chief Mabandla published by around 1912. We differ in houses otherwise we all come from Diwu them Bhele according to the book. KwaNabandla lowo akazange azazi uphuma kweyiphi indlu. Just know we are Bhele Nation sisiSizwe kwakusendiselwana ngenxa yemfazwe afe amadoda abemaninzi amabhinqa kungenwane ukugcina isizwe sikhula yilonto amamfengu esendiselana. EziCommon iziduko ::Bhele Qunta Ndabezitha Mangqangqane Sikhutya(ba)na Nontandakuphakanyiswa Mbikazi Mafu Mbutho langa-lasembo Nonjonjo Maphekwanelitye nezinye Then#Then Note : branch according to houses indlu kaDlambulo yahluke kwekaBikane nekaKhuboni nezoNdamane nezinye mainnzi
ReplyDeleteNdicela ukwazi ngama bhele angu Xinwa ifani
ReplyDeleteNdili Bhele uNkilane, U Gombashe, U Manyoni, Umacocobela usindwa zinyawo. U Nontanda kuphakanyiswa
ReplyDeleteNkilane, Gombashe, Mnqaleka, Mabhila, Mhlahlandlela, Mazum'ay'zeke njenge thokazi. NgamaBhele ke lawo. Enye yefani abazisebenzisayo ngu K(h) olwane noMatomela, nabantu abanye ke ABo....
ReplyDeleteNdicela ukwaz ba ziqhubeka zithini.ekhaya kuthwa zezi
These praises are so wrong. Mbikazi not Nombikazi. And many other errors.
ReplyDeleteMaBhele amahle, athandekayo ndicela ukucaciselwa kakuhle ukuba ukhokho uK(h)olwane uzalwa ngubani, kwaye uphuma kweyiphi indlu? Ndingavuya kakhulu xa ndinofumana nomnombo wakhe, ukuya kwisizukulwane sakhe.